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- bluedynamics Products
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- PythonNotes - Dorsey Wiki
- http://www.thinkware.se/cgi-bin/thinki.cgi/ObjectRelationalMappersForPython?action=format
- PythonLanguage - ThinkiThinki
- Objects by Design: Python + UML Example
- Orbtech
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- Vladimir's Python site
- CodePedia -> BeginnersGuideToPython
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- bj.dorja.com
- Drawing inheritance diagrams with "Dot"
- IBM OS390 Python 2.2 port
- ObjectRelationalMappersForPython - ThinkiThinki
- Ian Bicking
- dchud's work log : project/sentinel/form2-user_ui-overview
- Python forum
- TWiki . Doc . PythonDatabaseModules
- O'Reilly Network: Making the switch to Python [Mar. 09, 2004]
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- Developing Web Applications with Quixote
- Содержание форума # 4
- FormEncode 0.1
- Python Programmer Weblogs
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python
- Python - Википедия